How are Joomla web templates Created?
A Joomla Template is composed of 3 main place holders. This primary applies for both versions which includes the Joomla 1.5 template, they include:
Central Component Area
This area is the main body system in Joomla templates and it provides the actual content material. There may be a number of predefined styles within the mainbody that are automatically designed by the theme for example hyperlinks, tables, headings and so on.
Joomla Template Modules
You could find module locations on the left and right or top and botton of a Joomla Theme. They are the side sections and might possibly be modified according to your demands. Your Joomla Theme is the agent responsible for the styling and placement of these types of side blocks.
Moreover, some Joomla themes developed with a predefined suffix class or module class suffix. It indicates that you can add an extra predefined style to the module. Similary, many Joomla web templates offer you numerous preset module styles that might be accessed in the suffix field of the module.If you purchase a Joomla web template from a reliable and experienced Joomla provider or creator, the guideposts (tutorials or in some case docs) will tell you concerning the module styles and their configuration.
Joomla Theme Menu Systems
Menu Systems are modules thats true! They are one of the most worked out or utilised modules in Joomla. Just like the case of style and design, a Joomla Web theme is also in charge for serving up these menu systems as well. It mainly specifies whether a menu system will be a drop down, button or a default link style.
VirtueMart Themes
Now confess to yourself, if you are going to fall for free overused underdesigned Virtuemart templates or a premium Virtuemart templates created, brushed and polished by web design professionals? You get what you pay for.
Understanding Joomla Web CMS
Joomla! is an open source website cms platform for posting content on the World wide web and intranets in addition to a Modelviewcontroller (MVC) Internet application framework. It is designed in PHP, stores data in MySQL database and includes features like page caching, RSS feeds, printable versions of pages, news flashes, blogs, polls, search, and support for language internationalization.
Virtuemart Joomla Shopping Cart Extension
VirtueMart is a GNU licensed ecommerce solution (a Component or Extension) for the Joomla! and Mambo Content Management Systems (CMS). It can be used as a Shopping Cart, or in Catalog mode.
Virtuemart Online Store Solution Features
Virtuemart Shopping Cart Program supports an unlimited number of products and categories, with products able to be assigned to multiple categories. It also permits the sale of downloadable products, and offers a catalog mode where the shopping cart features are turned off. VirtueMart supports multiple prices for a single product, based around shopper groups or a quantity range, and permits the use of a variety of different payment gateways.
Because Virtuemart Web Store Solution is an open source e-commerce solution all the application code is openly visible in PHP. This allows PHP developers to view, update or customize the operation of the shopping cart. In addition VirtueMart itself offers simplified templates ( called 'fly pages' in VirtueMart) structure that allows various shopping and cart page(s) to be edited as standard html and css.
Notably new to VirtueMart 1.1.0 was the inclusion of the ability to quickly change themes for category, product, checkout and cart pages.
VirtueMart Hosting Requirements
As Virtuemart Ecommerce Solution is only a plugin for Joomla! / Mambo, it has the same system requirements, which are currently:
- Joomla! 1.0.x or Mambo (>= 4.5.1) recommended: Joomla! 1.5.x (VirtueMart will soon only work with 1.5 or above).
- PHP 4.2.x or above - recommended: PHP 4.4.x
- MySQL 3.23.x or above -recommended: MySQL 4.0.x
- Apache 1.13.19 or above -recommended: Apache 2.x
Several other required supporting libraries or extensions include MySQL, XML and Zlib support built into PHP. Support for https (openSSL) and cURL is recommended.