Sunday, January 30, 2011

Types Of The Glossy Web Icons

Glass icons can be considered an independent icon style though it is logical to assume that glass style is just one of the types of the shiny, glossy design.

Other types of the glossy web icons design that can be marked out:

  • glass icons;
  • metal icons;
  • glass-metal icons;
  • transparent icons.

Transparent and half-transparent glossy icons can be aqua, crystal, plastic etc.

Moreover, there are partly glass and partly stained icons meaning the objects contain some glassy or stained elements.

Glass icons are usually depicted with reflecting. It is one of the standard features of the "Web 2.0" icons. Creation of vertical reflection effect for web icons is certainly simple furthermore you can find a great amount of tutorials on the internet teaching how to do this.

The crisp and pure look of glass icons makes navigating through the internet pages eye-catching and playful. If you wish to create such neat web icons it is simple to find hundreds of tutorials on the Internet.

Creation of glass web icons.

Adobe Photoshop is the most well known software for creating web icons. Photoshop is becoming more and more flexible and multitasking software for design. Nowadays it allows to create almost all visual effects used for the graphic design. A lot of the great web icons designs were created with a help of this software. The most important feature of the latest Photoshop versions is the ability to combine pixel painting with vector tool for creating glass icons, buttons, characters etc.<\p>

The easiest way to design Glass icons is to make the "glass" layer overlap the image. By using the "eraser" tool you'll be able to build an empty diagonal line through the image. You are supposed to proceed using eraser for making adjustments to the glass layer until the moment when the glass effect repeats the contour of the icon. It should kind of the glass haze in the opposite sides. As soon as this procedure complete the further adjustments should be applied.

Professional web-site designers should use this effect carefully and remember that glass-fever may look ridiculous . Keep in mind glass icons should be used with taste so that the website style could remain professional and reserved.

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